Saturday, September 27, 2008


Atticus had a great time with Buddy's nephews...
It looks like Harper is checking out Aunt Amber...LOL
Austin caught the bouquet, not really but he posed for the picture.
The Bishop did a great job, and good advice too...
Oh so cute, this is what young love looks like...
Aunt April, doesn't Harper look oh so darling in the dress you bought her?
Keith did an awesome job as DJ....Autumn and Keith made a great team
making the track of music...
Jayden looks on while Buddy turned the sword over to Allison for the final
cutting of the out Buddy, she knows how to use that sword
and a M-16!!! That is what you get when you marry a marksmen in the
Air Force!!!

1 comment:

Autumn said...

Aww, all of your pictures turned out great! I want a copy of the one of me and Harper! I will post some from my camera later today. Love you.