Saturday, July 5, 2008

Pack Meeting- "GO FOR the GOLD"

My two big "HELPERS" had so much fun getting ready for the pack meeting blowing up balloons for one of the games... they liked the water balloons better...
Some of the parents cheering their sons on. The dads had the best time as I gave them a giant water squirter that they chased each other around with... sorry no pictures to incriminate them.
Her the boys are doing a fun game... blowing and keeping feathers in the air(notice their feathers are not in the air here...they are picking them back up) they had fun.We also did the popping of balloons on the grass area with a Javelin made from pvc pipe and a sharp screw out the end. It was a cool game...
Some of the boys that were still in the pool as they did two Olympic games... one involved picking up the throw sticks at the bottom of the pool. Good way to end with the biggest cool pops before finishing off. We even had a three step podium for them to step up for their medals and certificates. It was all kinds of fun and in July we are doing are rain gutter boat races so I will be sure to have fun pictures for you...

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