Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Sunday March 31,2008

So on Sunday Jayden is very happy girl because G-ma bought her a new dress to wear to church. Austin looked way cool in his blue shirt too. Anyway after church we make a quick meal of home made tostados. yummy...then we go for a drive to see the new road out to Sand Hollow State Park. wow! it has changed out that way. Anyway- we stopped by some community they are building and find a way cool waterfall(man made) so I am taking pictures of the kids and the security guy comes and tells me they can not be on the rocks. So then we went around by Sand Hollows back side and the kids can not resist a picture climbing up the side on the side of the road. They had fun and we enjoyed spending time with them too! I am getting excited for this week-end. You all come for Autumn's Party and to my party too!!!!!!